Ruth Ellis Center

Unlocking opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people to thrive personally and professionally.

Thriving Futures is developing a leadership pipeline to provide LGBTQ+ youth with skills necessary for educational and professional advancement.

Thriving Futures combines education and employment resources for young people with diversity and inclusion training for workforce partners to support the unique identities and experiences of LGBTQ+ employees.

Our team helps young people gain confidence and economic and social autonomy, make better decisions, build income, savings, and credit, and achieve their goals.

Are you 18 to 30? Do you need support? Do you want to learn more about how to find a job? Apply today


  • Identify personal strengths and explore career interests and qualifications
  • Assess existing skills, learning, and development needs
  • Examine and discuss barriers
  • Set personal and professional goals and create plans to achieve them
  • Prepare resumes and learn how to identify inclusive employers and educational institutions
  • Role-play typical interview and on-the-job scenarios
  • Follow a personalized plan and utilize coaching for up to 90 additional days after course completion

Core Components

  • Positive Youth Development: Thriving Futures supports social and emotional literacy, increases protective factors, reduces risk factors, and centers talents and gifts
  • Trauma-Informed Practices: Provides affirmation, fosters accountability, promotes empathy
  • Restorative Justice: Strengthens communication skills, supports healing, and relationship and community-building
  • Advanced Technology: Increases access and abilities, introduces remote work and etiquette, supports diverse learning needs
  • Coaching and Networking: Includes monthly peer/individual coaching, provides mentorship, creates peer accountability
  • Offers Compensation: Supports basic needs, reduces stressors, and promotes consistent participation

Thriving Futures Impact

  • 151 program participants engaged through focus groups, surveys, and outreach events
  • 32 community partners, including individuals, corporate partners, non-profits
  • 42 mentors engaged
  • Three graduates currently enrolled in higher education
  • Six participants going into STEM fields
  • Hosted 30+ activities for engagement and program development with youth and partners